Corporate Social Responsibility as key category
for European employers, managers and stakeholders

Welcome to ENGAGE Platform!

ENGAGE - Corporate Social Responsibility as key category for European employers, managers and stakeholders is an European Project funded with support from the European Commission.

This Project seeks to refocus the meaning of CSR and avoid the unfortunately numerous abuses when it was used for window dressing, ticking boxes of different local regulations to avoid certain taxation burdens or defensive measures for protecting image and reputation. The key challenge is to turn CSR into a true and powerful tool to a proactive cost-benefit calculus that factors in financial gains from productivity improvements and ultimately becomes the basis for brand equity and the driver of organizational learning, innovation and technology management.


Here you can find more details about the project and the partnership of this Project.

Self Assessment Tool

Here you can test the CSR state of art of your organization through our Self- Assessment Tool which allows users to monitor and measure the progress and performance of each step of the integration of the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability process. These principles are translated by a set of requirements, guidelines and related indicators that allow us to understand which actions are undertaken by the organization.

Open Educational Resources

Here you will find the available Resources that arise from ENGAGE Project:
  • Benchmarking Compendium Report on CSR Practices
  • ENGAGE Handbook
  • ENGAGE Sectorial CSR-kits for employers, managers and stakeholders
  • ENGAGE Integrative Guidelines for boosting CSR

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nr. 2014-1-TR01-KA200-013388